Dr. med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
Medic specialist chirurgie plastica si estetica
Medic specialist chirurgie plastica si estetica
Member of Romanian Society for Hand Surgery
Member of Romanian Society of Aesthetic Surgery
Certificate for the ISAPS Course Poiana Brasov, Romania 23-24.06.2017
Certificate of graduation AAHS Pre-Congress Course- Advances in Hand Surgery
26th of April, 2017, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate of participation at the 6th International Symposium for Plastic Surgeons, Secondary optimizing aesthetic surgery, Salvage procedures after pitfalls in aesthetic surgery
10-11.03.2017, Cologne, GermanyCertificate of Trainer for Penoplasty- Cosmetic Penile Enhancement Surgery by the IAP - International Academy of Penoplasty
15th March 2016, Milano, Prof. Alessandro LittaraCertificate of Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery by the Romanian Health Ministry - order 27993/1/2016
04.01.2016Certificate awarded to Michael Chertif for presenting the paper “Our experience in liposuction and breast lipofilling using the Body-Jet Evo- 25 cases”, during the 12th Beauli Workshop of Fat Grafting
Birkenwerder/Berlin, 12-13.06.2015Certificate of Graduating the Q Clinic Course in periocular injectable fillers by Princess
Cluj-Napoca, 24-25.10.2014Certificate of graduating the Compact Micro-sclerotherapy Trainig Course in order to ensure quality of sclerotherapy in collaboration with the German Society of Phlebology and the Bavarian Chamber of Physicians-Physicians Academy for advanced training-with a theoretically training course section of morphology and anatomy of spider veins and reticular veins, diagnostics, indications, and contraindications of sclerotherapy, technique and sclerotherapy management, dosage, effects and side effects of sclerosing agents as well as practical parts in groups of diagnostics and Micro-Sclerotherapy on patients.
Certificate No AE0063 which confirms that Mihai Chertif-Christian has attended the intensive course on the Aptos methods
Berlin, 17.12.2013, organized by Dr. Marlen Sulamanidze and George SulamanidzeCertificate - Aotrauma Course with Practical Exercises on Human Species- hand Sugery
Graz, 16-19.09.2013Certificate of becoming an associate member of the International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery ( ISPRES )
for the year 2013, Gino Rigotti-President of ISPRES and Prof.Dr. Marita Eisenmann-Klein- President of IPRASCertificate of Graduating the 13th International Flap Dissection Seminar on Living Tissue
Timisoara, 03-05.04.2013, consisting of lectures and live experimental surgery, held and organized by Prof.Dr. Mihai Ionac and Conf.Dr. Lucian JigaCertificate of becoming an associate member of the International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery ( ISPRES )
for the year 2012, Gino Rigotti-President of ISPRES and Prof.Dr. Marita Eisenmann-Klein- President of IPRASCertificate of Graduating the 1st Perforator Flap Harvesting Seminar on Living Tissue
Timisoara, 15-16.11.2012, consisting of lectures and live experimental surgery, held and organized by Prof. Dr. Mihai Ionac and Conf.Dr. Lucian Jiga/span>Certificate of Graduating the 31t International Practical Seminar in Microsurgery of Vessels and Nerves
Timisoara, 17-20.10.2012, held and organized by Porf. Dr. Mihai Ionac and Conf.Dr. Lucian JigaCertificate awarded to Mihai Chertif (Romania) for successful completion of the education program entitled "Tendon transfers in Reconstructive tetraplegia hand surgery"
Nyiregyhaza, Hungary, 08-10.2011, organized by Porf. Dr. Jan Friden and Dr. Istvan TurcsanyiCertificate awarded to Mihai Chertif for presenting the paper "Modern approach to Dupuytren disease- Medical treatment vs surgical treatment" in the XVth Congress of FESSH
Bucharest , Romania 23-26.06.2010, organized by Prof. Dr. Alexandru Georgescu (President) and Massimo Ceruso (FESSH Secretary General)Certificate of Resident in Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery by the Romanian Health Ministry- order 1522/2009
15.11.2009Medical Doctor MD with final thesis “Modern approach of Dupuytren disease” with Prof. Alexandru Georgescu at Cluj Napoca University School of Medicine
15.09.2009Specialist in plastic, reconstructive, burns and aesthetic surgery at Che Cosmedica clinic/general county hospital Baia-Mare
helping in treating and operating patients in the plastic, reconstructive, hand and burns fieldSpecialist in aesthetic surgery at Villa Bella Clinic , Salo
observing, working and helping in the operating theatreSpecialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery at Dreifaltigkeits Krankenhaus Wesseling, Germany
observing, working and helping in the operating theatreResident in plastic, reconstructive, burns and aesthetic surgery at at Che Cosmedica clinic/general county hospital Baia-Mare
helping in treating and operating patients in the plastic, reconstructive, hand and burns fieldResident in plastic, reconstructive, burns and aesthetic surgery at Casa Austria,Timisoara
helping in treating and operating patients in the plastic, reconstructive, hand and burns fieldResident in hand surgery at Handchirurgie klinikum/bad neustadt an der salle
working as a second hand surgeon in the operating theatre and in the emergency room with Prof.Dr. Joseph Prommersberger and Prof.Dr. Van SchoonhovenResident in hand surgery at Hand Surgery center/cto ospedale Torino
working as a second hand surgeon in the operating theatre and in the emergency room with Prof.Dr. Joseph Prommersberger and Prof.Dr. Van SchoonhovenResident in plastic, reconstructive, burns and aesthetic surgery at Klinikum Rechts der isar/Munchen
working as a second hand surgeon in the operating theatre alongside prof.dr Yves HarderResident in plastic, hand, reconstructive, burns and aesthetic surgery at Che Cosmedica Clinic/ general county hospital Baia-Mare
working on developing the treatment’s protocols on the department of the patients and daily checking the wounds and daily rounds on the plastic surgery department and as a second and first hand plastic surgeon in the operating theatreResident in traumatology and orthopedic at Traumatology and Orthopedic Clinic/Cluj-Napoca
helping at the daily check-ups, daily rounds regarding dressing changes and inspecting the post-surgery sites, second hand surgeon in the operating theatreResident in general surgery at Hepatology and Gastroenterology Institute / Cluj-Napoca
helping at the daily check-ups, daily rounds regarding dressing changes and inspecting the post-surgery sites, second hand surgeon in the operating theatreat the VillaBella Clinic Salo, with dr. Giovanni Botti, 17.06-27.06.2019
Italy, 24-26.05.2019
at the VillaBella Clinic Salo, with dr. Giovanni Botti, 30.07-02.08.2018
Italy, 25-27.05.2018
at the VillaBella Clinic Salo, with dr. Giovanni Botti, 30.07-02.08.2017
Germany with dr. Dirk Richter, 06.06-20.06.2017
Poiana Brasov, Romania, 23-24.06.2017
by Prof. Dr. Alberto Rancati, 07-08.12.2015
Germany, by Dr. Klaus Ueberreiter, 13-15.06.2015
by Dr. Stephan Guggenbichler, 08.11.2014
by Prof. Dan Enescu, 03.12-04.12.2014
by Croma Princess, 02.12.2014
with Prof.Joseph Prommersberger and Prof.van Schoonhoven, 30.09-30.11.2014
with Dr. Bruno Battiston and Dr. Pierluigi Tos, 30.04-30.09.2014
with Prof. Yves Harder, 03.01-30.04.2014
Graz, 16-19.09.2013
Timisoara, Romania,
Timisoara, Romania,
Timisoara, Romania 17.10.-20.10.2012
Madrid, 12.09-15.09.2011
My approach to gynaecomastia treatment- National Conference of RASS, Poiana Brasov, 19-21.09.2019
My approach to gynaecomastia treatment- 1st International Congress for Male Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine 02.05-04.05.2019- Milano, Italy
My approach to gynaecomastia treatment- 16th edition of the Maramedica Congress 28.02.-02.03.2019, Baia Mare, Romania
What is blepharospasm and what is the correct treatment- 15th edition of the Maramedica Congress,21.02.2018, Baia Mare, Romania
Dual-plane breast augmentation procedure- 14th edition of the Maramedica Congress, 25.02.2017, Baia Mare, Romania
Wide awake anaesthesia in hand surgery- 14the edition of the Maramedica Congress, 25.02.2017, Baia Mare, Romania
Our experience in liposuction and breast lipofilling using the Body-Jet Evo- 25 cases”, during the 12th Beauli Workshop of Fat Grafting, Birkenwerder/Berlin, 12-13.06.2015
Non-melanoma skin cancer- clinical cases- retrospective study- M. Chertif, C. Chertif, a- XI-a editie a simpozionului Maramedica, Baia Mare, Romania,01-03.03.2014
Stem cells in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery- a prospective study- M. Chertif, C. Chertif, a- IX-a editie a simpozionului Maramedica, Baia Mare, Romania, 15-19.02.2012
Abordarea moderna a maladiei Dupuytren- cazuri clinice, M.Chertif, C. Chertif, a- VIII-a editie a simpozionului Maramedica, Baia Mare, Romania,20-22.02.2011
Medical treatment vs Surgical treatment in Dupuytren disease- a prospective study- M. Chertif, C. Chertif- XVth Congress of FESSH, Bucharest, 23-26.06.2010
Limb salvage- case report- C. Chertif, M Chertif, R. Chertif- Maramedica Baia Mare Romania 2009
Abdominoplastia vs Liposuctie vs Mezoterapie- C. Chertif, M Chertif, R. Chertif- Maramedica Baia Mare Romania 2009
Chirurgia varicelor cu laser- EULT- C. Chertif, M Chertif, R. Chertif- Maramedica Baia Mare Romania 2009
Venous grafts in repairing the nerves defects under 3 cm- C. Chertif, M. Chertif- VIII Congreso Nacional SECMA, Cirugia de la Mano, Congreso conjunto SECMA Europeos del Este / VII Encuentro Ibero-Americano de Cirugia de la Mano
Rinoplastii, Mamoplastii- prezentari de caz- C. Chertif, M. Chertif- Maramedica, Baia Mare, 2007
Rinoplastia externa- traumatismele de urgenta ale piramidei nazale- C. Chertif, M. Chertif- Maramedica, Baia Mare, 2006
Ingineria tisulara la nivelul mainii- caz clinic- C. Chertif, M.Chertif, Maramedica, Baia Mare, 2006
Hand reconstruction after complex trauma- C.Chertif, M.Chertif- al 3-lea Congres al Asociatiei Chirurgilor Plastici din Romania, Sinaia 2006
Surgical treatment vs Medical treatment in Raynaud’s syndrome, First International Congress for students, Novi Sad, 2006
Lambouri prefabricate pentru reconstructia policelui- C.Chertif, M.Chertif-Maramedica, Baia Mare, 2005
Angiozomii corpului uman si suportul lor vascular- C.Chertif, M.Chertif-Maramedica, Baia Mare, 2005
Conferința Națională de Chirurgie Estetică 2019 (19-21.09.2019)
DetaliiChirurgia regenerativa, Celulele Stem in chirurgia estetica in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (Iunie 2015)
DetaliiCongresul European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, Barcelona, 2013
DetaliiDespre Blefaroplastie si Rinoplastie la conferinta de la Berlin
DetaliiBBF Course Lago di Garda
24-26.05.2019, Salo, ItalyCertificate of participation at the 7th SOS Symposium for Plastic Surgeons. Secondary optimizing aesthetic surgery. Salvage procedures after pitfalls in aesthetic surgery
12-13.04.2019- Stuttgart, GermanyBBB Course Lago di Garda
25-27.05.2018, Salo, ItalyCertificate Maramedica
20-22.02.2018, Baia Mare, RomaniaCertificate ISAPS Course
Poiana Brasov, 23-24.06.2017, RomaniaCertificate of attendance at the 11th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Surgery of the hand , the 12th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and the National Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
27-29.04.2017, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate of participation at the 6th International Symposium for Plastic Surgeons. Secondary optimizing aesthetic surgery. Salvage procedures after pitfalls in aesthetic surgery
10-11th of March 2017, Cologne, GermanyCertificate de Participate la curse de former “Chirurgia sanului : esthetic si reconstructie”
07-08.12.2015, Bucuresti, RomaniaCertificate of Participation to the 2nd International Video Symposium in Plastic Surgery
13-14.11.2015, Berlin, GermanyCertificate of Attendance at the 12th Beauli Workshop of fat grafting
at the Parkklinik, 12,13.06.2015, Birkenwerder, GermanyCertificate of Attendance for participating in the Workshop “Modern possibilities of Ostheosynthesis for hand bones, held during the 10th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Surgery of the Hand and the 11th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery”, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate of Attendance for participating in the 10th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Surgery of the Hand and the 11th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery”, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate de participate la prezentari theoretic si practice de tratamente injectable perioculare
la Q Clinic 24-25.10.2014, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate of Attendance to the Compact Micro-Sclerotherapy Training Course
08.11.2014, Munchen, GermanyCertificate of Attendance to the hands-on workshop “Amino acid replacement therapy with Jalupro and Jalupro high molecular weight”
25.01.2014, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaCertificate de participate la a XI-a editie a simpozionfului Maramedica
01-03.02.2014, Baia Mare, RomaniaCertificate of Attendance to the ROAPS and ISAPS Conference
25-27.10.2013, Sinaia,RomaniaCertificate of Attendance to the ISAPS Rhinoplasty Course
26-27.10.2013, Sinaia, RomaniaCertificate of Attendance to the ECAMS Congress in Barcelona
08-09.11.2013, Barcelona, SpainCertificate of Attendance to the Intensive Course on the Aptos Methods
17.12.2013, Berlin, GermanyCertificate of Attendance to the AoTrauma Advanced Course - Hand and Wrist
16-19.09.2013, Graz, AustriaCertificate of Attendance to the 2nd Congress of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES)
07-09.06.2013, Berlin, GermanyCertificat de participare la cursul de formare, “Chirurgia sanului: esthetic si reconstructive”
11-12.11.2012, Bucharest, RomaniaDiploma de participare: 12th Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
Sinaia,25-27.10.2012Diploma de participate la workshop-ul national “Potentialul regenerative al grefei de test adipos in reconstructia de san postmastectomie si in late patologii in chirurgia plastica”
09-10.11.2012, Bucharest, RomaniaDiploma de participare: 12th Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
Sinaia, Romania 09-12.09.2012Diploma de participare: Timisoara 4 Congresses(11th ISEM Congress; 10th RSRM Congress, 9th RSSH Congress; 2nd CompasX Congress)
held in Timisoara, Romania, 12-14.07.2012Diploma de participare: 1st Congress of ISPRES (International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery)
held in Rome, Italy, 09-11.03.2012Certificate de Participate la a XI-a editie a simpozionfului Maramedica
22-24.01.2012, Baia Mare, RomaniaBreast Augmentation and Reconstruction - Workshop held by Mentor with the participation of Prof. Luis Fernando Perin and Prof. Uros Ahcan
03-05.11.2011, Bucharest, RomaniaCertificate of Attendance -Madrid Course in Aesthetic Surgery - Facial rejuvenation and Breast reshaping
21-23.09.2011,Quiron Grupo Hospitalario Madrid, SpainCertificate of Attendance to the Workshop “Tendon transfers in reconstructive tetraplegia hand surgery”
08-10.04.2011, Nyiregyhaza, HungaryDiploma de participare: Lucrarile Conferintei cu tema Abord Multidisciplinar pentru scaderea numarului de amputatii
Timisoara, 14-15.05.2010Certificate of Attendance at the XVth Congress of the Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH)
23-26.06.2010, Bucharest, RomaniaDiploma de participare: The V-th International Symposium of Aesthetic and Breast Reconstruction, Burns treatment in the third milenium
Timisoara, Romania, 29.04-01.05.2010Diploma de participare: Al IX-lea Congres SRMR(Societatea Romana de Microchirurgie Reconstructiva)
Diploma de participare: al VIII-lea Congres SRCM (Societatii Romane de Chirurgia Mainii)
Rin Grand Hotel Bucuresti, Romania, 23-26.06.2010Diploma de participare : XVth Congress of FESSH(Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand)
Bucharest, Romania 23-26.06.2010Diploma de participare la Seminarul „ Contributia sectorului privat in dezvoltarea si modernizarea furnizarii serviciilor medicale”
10-12 aprilie,2009, Sibiu, RomaniaVIII Congreso Nacional SECMA, Cirugia de la Mano, Congreso conjunto SECMA Europeos del Este / VII Encuentro Ibero-Americano de Cirugia de la Mano
Diploma de participare-The second international Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
25-28 October 2006, Sinaia , RomaniaDiploma de participare- First National Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
25-28 October 2005, Sinaia, RomaniaStai la curent cu cele mai noi informații de la noi
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